How To Use The neobux FORUM Search Tool:-
This thread should hopefully provide general guidance to those who don't know how to use the search function.
What is the Search Tool? Why use it?
The search tool provides an interface to pick out particular information from all the posts in the forum, thus saving having to repost questions that have been asked before or assist in finding old threads. It looks through every available post in the forum database and returns with either threads or specific posts (depending on search terms) that match your search string.
Search Tool is the little box you type your text into. Its the form that takes your search string (the text you search for) and options you select, then passes it on to the Search Engine when you click "search". Basically, its the front end that you interact with.
Search Engine is the code of the forum that performs the physical search of the database. It takes input from the Search Tool (i.e. search string and options) and uses that to interogate the database to bring up results, which are then displayed to you. Basically, its the code that physically performs the forum search.
How to access the Search Tool?
To access the Search Tool, click the button (green rectangular box with a "Search' text and a right arrow). Located at the upper right side of the Forum page, just below the flag. You will be redirected at the Search page, you can either type your search string in there or configure your search options (see below image of the search page).
What is a "Search string"?
Whatever you input into the search box is your "search string", of one or more words. For improved results, keep your search string short and specific. By default, the search engine looks for threads that contain ALL words in the search string (not necessarily in the same post).
What is the "Search Sub-Forum"?
It is a dropdown box where you can select a specific sub forum of your choice and for faster result. (e.g. EspaƱol, Filipino, Indonesian..) By default it will search on all open sub-forums. There's also three radio buttons where you can filter your search either by Topics, Messages or both.
What is the "Search for posts from"?
Also a dropdown box where you can select the date when the post has been posted. If you’re unsure just use the “Any date” option.
Then select to newer or to older posts.
What is the "Search by username"?
Luckily there's an option where you can search for specific members thread. This is useful if you only remember the name of the thread starter. Note: you can use the "Search string" and the "Search by username" at the same time.
Commonly searched Keywords:
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to get in the only thing you need to do is to follow next steps:
Step 1: copy all the message and save it, you'll need it later
Step 2: copy and paste the link on position one of the list down below on your browser and register on Neobux (if you are allready registered skip this step) and look for your link to refer people
Position 1.
Position 2.
Position 3.
Position 4.
Position 5.
Position 6.
Step 3: Here is the first secret of the autochain, delete the position 1 of
the list, and change the other positions 2 become 1, 3 is now 2... that way every time someone will send the message your link will be doubled and it
will be uper in the list
Step 4: The last secret. Now the only thing you have to do is to post it in four or five different sites every day (blogs, message boards, chats, mail it...) and you will start getting direct referals in a few days, and remember don't give up
1. 15 (1) = 15 people = your link doubles 15 times
2. 15 (15) = 225 people = your link doubles 225 times
3. 15 (225) = 3375 people = your link doubles 3375 times
4. 15 (3375) = 50625 people = your link doubles 50625 times
5. 15 (50625) = 759375 people = your link doubles 759375 times